SMART Recovery

Life beyond addiction

SMART Recovery was established in 1994 in the USA, to meet the increasing demand of those seeking a secular and evidence-informed alternative to the widespread 12-Step addiction recovery program.

SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

SMART Recovery is an evidenced-informed recovery method grounded in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), that supports people with substance dependencies or problem behaviors to:

  1. Build and maintain motivation

  2. Cope with urges and cravings

  3. Manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors

  4. Live a balanced life

Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART)

  • SMART Recovery is a science-based program that empowers individuals to overcome addiction by focusing on self-management and personal choice. Unlike 12-step programs, it does not involve spirituality or require participants to identify as powerless over their addiction. It uses tools and techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing.

  • The 4-Point Program includes:

    1. Building and maintaining motivation

    2. Coping with urges

    3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

    4. Living a balanced life Participants use specific tools to address each of these points.

  • Yes, SMART Recovery is designed to help individuals with both substance addictions (like alcohol or drugs) and behavioral addictions (like gambling, overeating, or internet use). The tools and principles apply broadly to various types of addictive behaviors.

  • SMART Recovery primarily supports abstinence from substances and addictive behaviors as part of its 4-Point Program. The program emphasizes building motivation to abstain, coping with cravings, problem-solving, emotional self-management, and creating a meaningful life. While participants who are not yet abstinent are welcome, meeting discussions focus on achieving and maintaining abstinence. The program empowers individuals to make their own choices while fostering an environment that encourages long-term abstinence and quality of life.

  • At a SMART Recovery meeting, you can expect a welcoming, supportive environment focused on self-empowerment and choice. Meetings are led by trained volunteer facilitators, last 60-90 minutes, and are open to everyone, with optional participation. They begin with a group welcome and check-ins, where participants share successes, challenges, or simply listen. Discussions focus on applying SMART Recovery tools, such as the Cost-Benefit Analysis, ABCs of REBT, and the Change Plan Worksheet, to address issues raised.

    The meetings emphasize group learning, collaboration, and using evidence-based techniques to support abstinence and personal growth. Meetings conclude with final thoughts, passing the hat for donations, and a closing statement.

    Attendees often leave feeling accepted, understood, and hopeful, gaining insights and practical strategies for creating a meaningful life aligned with their values.

Join a SMART Recovery online meeting

Every 3rd Sunday, 2:00 pm ET


SMART Recovery is not intended to be a substitute for professional help or treatment. While the SMART Recovery program has successfully helped many people who work toward recovery on their own, it’s also a useful supplement to professional help.

If you have serious challenges with alcohol, drugs, compulsive gambling or sexual behaviors, overeating, self-harm, or other dangerous, harmful behaviors, you may benefit from professional help in addition to working the SMART program.

To find a mental health professional in your area who subscribes to SMART’s principles, visit: